Most important facts about car insurance

Driving a car carries risks. Something unforeseen can always happen; in debt or not at fault. No one, however prudent, is immune to such things.
While the full risk involved in gambling can be as attractive as it is lucrative, as a responsible driver you should rather play it safe and protect yourself against some of these risks. You have a lot of responsibility for yourself and for third parties, and it could otherwise be expensive.
Secured all round, it runs much better. However, there are some ways to keep insurance costs as low as possible. Even beginners can save a lot with small, clever chess moves.

Novice driver
Novice drivers have no driving experience and therefore start with the damage-free class. The insurance premium can be correspondingly high (approx. 120%). Many novice drivers still register as novice drivers, hoping to be upgraded quickly. The higher the damage-free class, the lower the contributions. Contrary to many opinions, it is not necessary to insure the vehicle directly through yourself.
The cheaper option is the second car insurance through the parents or acquaintances. The person in question is then the vehicle owner and the novice driver mainly drives the said vehicle. During this time, the owner's freedom from damage class increases if there is no accident. However, if the driver registers a vehicle in his name at a later point in time, he can have the classification points transferred to him. However, this only applies to the period in which he was the main driver.

Duty and freestyle
A motor vehicle liability, which pays for the damage of other persons, which is caused by the commissioning of the vehicle, is obligatory.
However, things often happen that would initially be called trivia, but are very costly in the long run.
Extended comfort protection also covers many of these extras. For example, with discount protection you have 3 damages free and will not be downgraded.

Tip: It doesn't always have to be the best
Older vehicles only require partial coverage, whereas full coverage is sensible for new vehicles.

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