How do I measure a pleated blind correctly?

Pleated blinds are custom-made Falstores, which are meant to do exactly that. In order to measure a pleated blind correctly, a number of things have to be taken into account. Depending on the type of installation, the width and height of the pleated blind are determined in different ways.

Mount the pleated blind in the rebate?

For installation on the glazing bead or on the glazing rebate, the
Glazing bead must be at least eighteen millimeters deep. The fold depth is the distance from the inside of the window frame to the glass pane.

Measure with an inclined glass strip

In the case of an oblique glazing bead, measurements are made on the pane to the nearest millimeter from glazing bead to glazing bead. Silicone seams or rubber seals are not taken into account. The width is measured at the bottom, in the middle and at the top, since the window can have tolerances. The correct measurement is the measured width minus two millimeters and the measured height.

Measure with a straight glazing bead

Measurements on the window pane are again accurate to the millimeter from glazing bead to glazing bead, without paying attention to silicone seams or rubber seals. The measure is the measured width minus five millimeters, as well as the measured height.

Measure the pleated blind on the frame

To determine the width, the front opening dimension between the glazing beads is measured. If you add the desired overhang on both sides, you have the dimensions. Protruding handles must be taken into account. The height of the front opening between the glazing beads is also measured and 25 mm are added at the top and bottom so that the angles have enough space.

Measure pleated blind correctly with clamps

To determine the width and height, the front opening dimension between the glazing beads is measured. When measuring the width, the desired overhang is added on both sides. To measure the height, the entire height of the window sash is taken minus two centimeters.

Measure correctly with a pleated blind in the window recess

The width and height of the window niche are measured in several places. Half a centimeter is subtracted from the smallest dimension. Mostly free hanging pleated blinds are attached.

Install in front of the window recess

The width and the height of the pleated blind result from measurements of the window niche in several places and the desired overhang. It is advisable to add five to ten centimeters in width and height on both sides so that there is space for the wall angles of the freely hanging pleated blind.

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