Five basics for good car insurance

Car insurance is not always good car insurance. The basic components of car insurance are always comprehensive insurance, occupant accident insurance and motor vehicle liability insurance. Good car insurance should always include five things for optimal protection.

Sufficiently high coverage

The coverage is essential for the policyholder. There are statutory minimum amounts of cover, which is 2.5 million euros for personal injury. In the event of injuries or the death of several people, the minimum coverage is 7.5 million euros and for property damage it is 1.12 million euros. The total contract coverage for good auto insurance should be around EUR 100 million.

Letter of protection

The letter of protection should always be included with car insurance. For professional or private trips abroad, this can protect against high costs when towing or recovering the vehicle. In the best case, the cover letter is part of the motor vehicle liability insurance, otherwise you should get it from your insurer before you travel.

Gross negligence

Policyholders should make sure that gross negligence is an integral part of car insurance. Many basic tariffs rule out gross negligence and for this reason insurance coverage cannot be guaranteed in many cases. In the event of an accident, the cause of which is to blame for minor negligence, the insurance company can refuse the insurance cover and leave the insured person at the expense.

Long replacement value

With car insurance, you have the option of taking what is known as the replacement value with your insurance cover immediately after purchasing the new car. This guarantees that the insurance company pays the replacement value as the basic insurance sum and protects against theft or total damage to the vehicle. The replacement value can usually only be claimed up to 6 months after the purchase date. With a good car insurance you can increase it up to 12 months.

Coverage of game damage

Game accidents are not uncommon on many roads. However, this is not covered by many insurance companies; it is only limited to wild game. However, the optimal insurance cover includes coverage of damage to all types of animals, which should be taken into account with car insurance.

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