Find the right stairlift and avoid mistakes

In order to maintain your mobility and independence at home, climbing stairs is essential in most houses. Especially in older age, as well as due to illness or disability in younger years, stairs represent a great effort and also a source of danger for dangerous falls.

The purchase of a stairlift can help here. Nowadays there are a variety of models to choose from, so that the installation of a stairlift is possible for almost any situation, inside and outside the house.
If you are considering purchasing a stairlift, you have to check various installation criteria. The most important questions are: Where should the lift be installed? Inside or outside. What is the course of the stairs to be overcome (curvy or straight)? How wide is the staircase in total and how many floors have to be overcome.
In addition, building inspectorate requirements must be met, such as escape and rescue routes and fire protection.
The installation of a stairlift cannot be prohibited under tenancy law, since tenants have the right to barrier-free access to their apartment. However, the costs for this usually have to be borne by the person concerned.

Depending on the model, the prices for stairlifts vary widely. Seat lifts that run along the stairs on rails are available in price categories. Not to forget the clarification of other ongoing costs for maintenance and repair of the lift.

Particular caution is required with providers of flat-rate prices. A reliable estimate of the costs can only be made by reputable providers if you know the conditions in the house as well as possible. Comprehensive advice should also be part of the range of services. This also includes information on financing.

In many cases, grants from health insurance companies or social organizations are possible, but their possibility must be checked before the purchase is made.

To save money, it is sometimes possible to buy a used stair lift or even to rent it. Good providers have corresponding offers and will be happy to advise you in this regard.

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